Birth OF JESUS – A Beautiful Story to tell for our Children and a Hope to carry on everyday of our lives.


The God also known as the Nativity, is a significant event in Christian tradition and is described in the New Testament of the Bible. The most detailed accounts are found in the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke. Below is a narrative that combines elements from both Gospels, embellished with dialogue to provide a more vivid portrayal.

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In the town of Bethlehem, a couple named Mary and Joseph embarked on a journey that would alter the course of history.

Joseph: Mary, the journey has been long, and night is falling. We must find shelter soon.

Mary: (softly) Yes, Joseph. I feel the time is near.

As they sought refuge, they discovered that the inns were all full. Finally, in desperation, they approached a humble stable.

Innkeeper: I’m sorry, there’s no room inside. But you can stay in the stable. It’s not much, but it’s warm.

And so, in the quiet of the night, surrounded by the soft rustling of animals, Mary gave birth to a son.

Mary: (whispering) Joseph, our son is here. He’s beautiful.

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Just outside the stable, shepherds tending their flocks were startled by a radiant light. An angel appeared before them.

Angel: Fear not! I bring good tidings of great joy. For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

Overcome with wonder, the shepherds hurried to see the newborn child.

Shepherd 1: Could it be true?

Shepherd 2: Let’s go and see for ourselves!

Meanwhile, in the East, wise men observed an unusual star, a sign of the prophesied King.

Magi 1: The star! It signifies a great event.

Magi 2: We must follow it.

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Guided by the star, the wise men traveled to Bethlehem, bringing precious gifts.

Magi 3: We have traveled far to honor the newborn King.

In the stable, Mary and Joseph received the unexpected visitors.

Magi 1: We followed the star. It led us here. Is this the child?

Joseph: (nodding) Yes, this is Jesus.

Magi 2: We bring gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

As the wise men presented their gifts, Mary pondered these events in her heart.

Mary: (whispering) How can it be that the Savior has come through us?


News of the birth spread, and soon the humble stable was visited by shepherds, wise men, and curious townsfolk.

Shepherd 1: The angels were right! This child is special.

Townsfolk: A King born in a stable? It’s unheard of!

And so, in the quiet town of Bethlehem, the Savior was born, bringing hope and light to a world in need.


Note: The dialogue and some details have been added for narrative purposes, and the story is a blend of the accounts found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.


Days passed, and the young family faced the challenges of caring for a newborn in the humble surroundings of the stable. Mary and Joseph marveled at the child who brought both joy and a sense of profound purpose to their lives.

Joseph: Mary, look at him. It’s as if the very air around him is filled with peace.

Mary: (smiling) He is a gift, Joseph. A gift to all of us.

Meanwhile, King Herod, troubled by the news of a potential rival, sought information about the prophesied child.

Herod’s Advisor: Your Majesty, there are reports of a child born in Bethlehem who is said to be the King of the Jews.

Herod: (furrowing his brow) The King of the Jews? This is a threat to my rule.

Deceptive intentions brewing in his heart, Herod summoned the wise men who had visited the stable.

Herod: Tell me, where is this child that you seek?

Magi 1: We followed the star to Bethlehem.

Herod: Find this child, and when you do, come and report to me so that I may also worship him.


Suspecting Herod’s motives, the wise men left Bethlehem by a different route to avoid betraying the location of the child.

Magi 2: We must not trust Herod. The child is in danger.

Magi 3: Let us return home by another way.

As the Magi departed, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, warning him of the impending danger.

Angel: Arise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, for Herod seeks to destroy the child.

In obedience to the divine message, Joseph woke Mary, and in the cover of night, they began their journey to Egypt, seeking refuge from the threat that loomed over their child.

Mary: Joseph, why are we leaving?

Joseph: An angel appeared to me in a dream. Herod wants to harm the child, and we must go to Egypt to keep him safe.

Back in Bethlehem, Herod, enraged by the wise men’s failure to report the child’s whereabouts, devised a sinister plan.

Herod: (to his soldiers) Go to Bethlehem and kill all the male children under two years old.

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A wave of sorrow and anguish swept through the town as mothers wept for their children. It was a dark chapter in the midst of the joy surrounding the birth of Christ.

In Egypt, Mary and Joseph found safety, shielding the child from the ruthless decree of King Herod.

Mary: (whispering) Joseph, we must be strong. Our child has a purpose, and no earthly king can thwart the plans of God.

As the years passed, the family lived in exile, waiting for the time when it would be safe to return to their homeland. The child, Jesus, grew in wisdom and stature, destined for a greater mission that would change the world forever.


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Note: The narrative continues to weave together elements from the Gospel accounts, expanding on the events that followed the birth of Christ.

In the small Egyptian town where Mary, Joseph, and the young Jesus sought refuge, the family lived a quiet life.

Joseph plied his trade as a carpenter, and Jesus, though a child, displayed an unusual wisdom that intrigued those around him.

As time passed, news reached Joseph that King Herod had died. In a dream, an angel appeared again, directing the family to return to their homeland.

Angel: Joseph, it is safe to return to the land of Israel, for those who sought the child’s life are no more.

Filled with gratitude and hope, Joseph led his family back to Nazareth. The return marked the beginning of Jesus’ public life, and the people marveled at the teachings and wisdom that emanated from the young boy.

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The years flew by, and Jesus grew into a man with a profound sense of purpose. His ministry began with the preaching of love, forgiveness, and the arrival of the Kingdom of God.

Crowds gathered to hear him speak, and his reputation as a healer and miracle worker spread far and wide.

One day, Jesus returned to Bethlehem, the place of his humble birth, and stood outside the stable where he had entered the world.

Memories flooded his mind, and he shared parables about the significance of a child born in a manger, teaching the people about humility and the transformative power of love.

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However, the religious authorities grew wary of Jesus, seeing him as a challenge to their own influence. They questioned his teachings and sought ways to undermine his message.

Pharisee 1: Who does he think he is, claiming to be the Son of God?

Pharisee 2: We must silence him before he leads the people astray.

Despite the growing opposition, Jesus continued his ministry, gathering a group of disciples who would carry on his message.

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The miracles he performed and the compassion he showed drew people from all walks of life.

As the time for his ultimate sacrifice approached, Jesus gathered his disciples for a final meal, known as the Last Supper.

There, he spoke of the significance of his impending death and the establishment of a new covenant.

Jesus: Take, eat; this is my body. And drink from it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

The atmosphere was heavy with emotion as Jesus prepared his disciples for the trials that lay ahead.

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The events surrounding the birth of Christ had come full circle, and the purpose for which he had come into the world was about to unfold in a profound and sacrificial manner.

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Happy Christmas TO ALL… May God Bless You and Keep You Safe, Give you strength when in need.

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