NASA-Message from Humankind, Your NAME will be written and it travels around Universe… I did.. have you? than what are you waiting for ?

Good NEWS | November 13, 2023

NASA’s Europa Clipper…Time Is Running Out to Add Your Name.

Six weeks remain for you to add your name to a microchip that will ride aboard the spacecraft as it explores Jupiter’s moon Europa.

The “Message in a Bottle” campaign offers everyone the opportunity to have their name stenciled onto a microchip bearing U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón’s “In Praise of Mystery: A Poem for Europa.” The chip will ride aboard NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft to Jupiter and its moon Europa. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

A rolled up piece is paper is presented as a graphic inside of a clear bottle, positioned horizontally in the middle of the image. Text, which looks handwritten, says "Your Name Here" on the side of the scroll. Europa's surface is seen gleaming under the bottle, blue and white, with a hint of a plume on the right. In the horizon, Jupiter is visible, filling most of the sky. A shining spacecraft is seen in the distance approaching Europa. The edges are black, to represent space.

It’s not every day that members of the public have the chance to send their names into deep space beyond Mars, all the way to Jupiter and its moon Europa. But with NASA’s Europa Clipper, you have that opportunity: Names will ride aboard the spacecraft as it journeys 1.8 billion miles (2.6 billion kilometers) to this icy moon, where an ocean hides beneath a frozen outer shell. The deadline to join the mission’s “Message in a Bottle” campaign is only six weeks away. The campaign closes at 11:59 p.m. EST, Dec. 31, 2023.

So far, about 700,000 names have been submitted. Once all the names have been gathered, technicians in the Microdevices Laboratory at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California will use an electron beam to stencil them onto a dime-size silicon microchip. Each line of text is smaller than 1/1000th the width of a human hair (75 nanometers).

Names will be stenciled in tiny letters on special microchips that will ride aboard the Europa Clipper spacecraft as it journeys 1.8 billion miles (2.6 billion kilometers) to the icy moon. See how technicians will use an electron beam to stencil names onto microchips, where each line of text is smaller than 1/1000th the width of a human hair. The microchips will be attached to a metal plate engraved with the original poem “In Praise of Mystery,” written by U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón to celebrate the mission. That plate will then be attached to the exterior of the Europa Clipper spacecraft. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

The chip will be attached to a metal plate engraved with the original poem “In Praise of Mystery,” written by U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón to celebrate the mission. Riding on the exterior of the spacecraft, the poem and names will be like a message in a bottle as they make about 50 close flybys of the ocean world.

The mission will log a half-billion miles (800 million kilometers) during these orbits as the spacecraft’s payload of science instruments gathers data on Europa’s subsurface ocean, icy crust, and atmosphere to determine if the moon could support life.

Once assembly of Europa Clipper has been completed at JPL, the orbiter will be shipped to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida in preparation for its October 2024 launch.

“Message in a Bottle” draws from NASA’s long tradition of shipping inspirational messages on spacecraft that have explored our solar system and beyond. The program aims to spark the imaginations of people around the world as the Voyager spacecraft did in 1977 by sending a time capsule of sounds and images reflecting the diversity of life on Earth

To sign, read the poem, and hear Limón recite it in an animated video, go to:

The site also enables participants to create and download a customizable souvenir – an illustration of your name on a message in a bottle against a rendering of Europa and Jupiter – to commemorate the experience. Participants are encouraged to share their enthusiasm on social media using the hashtag #SendYourName.

More About the Mission

Europa Clipper’s main science goal is to determine whether there are places below Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa, that could support life. The mission’s three main science objectives are to determine the thickness of the moon’s icy shell and its surface interactions with the ocean below, to investigate its composition, and to characterize its geology. The mission’s detailed exploration of Europa will help scientists better understand the astrobiological potential for habitable worlds beyond our planet.

News Media Contacts

Gretchen McCartney
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Karen Fox / Alana Johnson
NASA Headquarters, Washington
301-286-6284 / 202-358-1501 /


“now, Let’s Go through Steps on Etching your name loved one’s names onto the Disk.

“We are an impossibility in an impossible universe.”

Ray Bradbury
  1.     Follow these steps.., Click on this link, which will take you the website
  2. scroll down and you will see MESSAGE IN BOTTLE post.. click on it.
  3. Now it will ask you to fill up name and surname…wait..read4thSTEP
  4. now fill your name in First name Coloumn.. and Fill Your loved one’s name in Last name Coloumn.. NO SPACE..example – First name – Ashley Brianson… Last Name-AngelaDominique ….So the final name will be “AshleyBrianson AngelaDomique” … i gave my first and last name as ‘ash’ ‘angel’
  5.  again it will ask you to fill name surname and email address and country and pincode… {IMPORTANT NOTE- give your proper Email address, so it can send you notifications on departure of europa craft}
  6. now small animation will show up “letter rounded in the Bottle”
  7. and its DONE..Now you will see your name inside a bottle. it means you cleared the task 😉
  8. Alright now… {Important -don’t forget to click on Download to download your name picture in the bottle…its a souvenir ;)}

That’s it ..All steps are Done.

Keep an eye on the website to know movements and updates of the Europa CLIPPER.

How brilliantly innovations  changing the way we perceive the world?!

NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft will conduct a detailed survey of Jupiter’s moon Europa to determine whether there are places below the moon’s surface that could support life.

Water connects Earth and Europa, the two ocean worlds NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft travels between on its journey. The existence of a vast ocean on a moon of Jupiter – which the Europa Clipper mission is equipped to decisively confirm and characterize – is what makes Europa such a promising place to better understand the astrobiological potential for habitable worlds beyond Earth.

What is NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft?

Europa Clipper is a robotic solar-powered spacecraft built to conduct the first detailed investigations of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa. The spacecraft will orbit Jupiter and make nearly 50 flybys of Europa to determine whether there are places below Europa’s surface that could support life.

With its solar arrays deployed, Europa Clipper spans more than 100 feet (about 30 meters) – about the length of a basketball court. The main body of the spacecraft consists of its avionics vault, radiofrequency module, and propulsion module.
At launch, Europa Clipper will weigh approximately 13,000 pounds (6,000 kilograms). Almost half of the weight will be fuel – nearly 6,000 pounds (2,750 kilograms) of propellant.

Europa Clipper will launch in October 2024 on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The spacecraft will fly by Mars, then back by Earth, using the gravity of each planet to increase its momentum. These so-called “gravity assists” will provide Europa Clipper with the velocity needed to reach Jupiter in 2030.

After it begins orbiting Jupiter, Europa Clipper will spend about a year altering its trajectory to prepare for its first Europa flyby. The spacecraft will then spend about three years soaring past Europa dozens of times and sending data back to Earth. Over the course of the mission, the spacecraft will investigate nearly the entire moon.


Europa Clipper Fast Facts

  • With its solar arrays deployed, Europa Clipper spans more than 100 feet (about 30 meters) – about the length of a basketball court.
  • The spacecraft has 24 engines.
  • Europa Clipper will orbit Jupiter and make nearly 50 flybys of Europa.
  • The spacecraft has 9 dedicated science instruments, plus gravity/radio science.
  • At launch, Europa Clipper will weigh approximately 13,000 pounds (6,000 kilograms). Nearly 6,000 pounds (2,750) will be propellant.
Why does Bluetooth use lossy rather than lossless compression


U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón
U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón
Poem by U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón Will Ride to Europa on NASA Spacecraft

” “Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.”

Stephen Hawking.


Breaking down the barriers



A Poem for Europa which travels to the Moon across the Universe


Message in a Bottle

  • Why are you hosting this opportunity?

    There’s a lot of excitement surrounding NASA’s Europa Clipper mission, which will launch in October 2024. The Europa Clipper mission has an important goal: to determine whether Jupiter’s icy moon Europa has the conditions suitable for life.

    Asking big questions is a part of the human experience. This opportunity celebrates the similarities between art and science. Both poetry and planetary science ask big questions about the universe, and our place within it.

  • Will my name fly on the Europa Clipper spacecraft?

    Yes, all submitted names are reviewed, and approved names are etched onto microchips. The microchips will be mounted on the Europa Clipper spacecraft, which will orbit Jupiter and make multiple flybys of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa.

  • When does this opportunity close?

    This opportunity will close in December 2023. After the opportunity closes, participants’ names will be etched onto microchips, and those microchips will be mounted on the Europa Clipper spacecraft.

  • Why is this opportunity called Message in a Bottle?

    The notion of placing a message into a sealed bottle and setting it adrift on the sea is familiar across the world. After its launch in October 2024, the Europa Clipper spacecraft will travel for over six years to reach the Jupiter system. As it voyages from one water world to another, across a vast ocean of space, the Message in a Bottle symbolically carries the hopes and aspirations of all of us on Earth. It’s a message about seeking connection and understanding in mysteries large and small.

  • What does submitting my name do?

    All submitted names are reviewed, and approved names are etched onto microchips. The microchips will be mounted on the Europa Clipper spacecraft, which will orbit Jupiter and make multiple flybys of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa.

  • How do I get my Message in a Bottle customized artwork?

    You can retrieve and share your customized artwork on the check in page.

  • Why can’t I find my name?

    When searching for your name, you must type your name exactly as you submitted it (first name, last name) and use the same email with that name combination. Try variations on your name. Some people include a middle initial.

  • How do I print my Message in a Bottle customized artwork?

    From your artwork page, click the print icon. If you have trouble printing, consider trying another browser (i.e. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, etc.)

  • I submitted my name but my name and email address are not recognized. What should I do?

    When searching for your name, there must be an exact match with the name you originally input. Try variations on your name. Some people included a middle initial, or used an initial for their first name. For additional assistance, please contact us.

  • Why isn’t my location on the map?

    We are using a popular map listing which we believe is fairly comprehensive, but it is possible that some countries, regions or territories are missing. If you are aware of this situation please let us know and we will work to improve the listing. You can contact us here.

  • My name was rejected. What should I do?

    If a problem was found in your submission, you will receive a notification. If you believe this is an error, please let us know and we can work to examine what may have caused the issue.

  • I accidentally wrote my name wrong. What should I do?

    The quickest solution is to resubmit your name with the correction. We can work to correct submissions if you’d like to use the feedback form, but due to the volume of submissions, corrections can take some time to accommodate.

  • Where can I see a list of names being sent on the Europa Clipper spacecraft?

    For privacy reasons, we do not publish the final list of names.

  • I submitted my name on a previous NASA mission, like Mars missions and the Artemis mission. Are these campaigns connected?

    The Message in a Bottle opportunity is separate from Mars and Artemis “send your name” opportunities. The campaigns are unique to each mission.

  • Who sees my name?

    All names are reviewed by a team of people at NASA.

  • How is my email address used?

    Your email is only used to allow you to track your participation, and to receive notifications related to “Message in a Bottle” and mission events, such as launch and Jupiter orbit insertion. See our Privacy Policy Statement for more information.


2 thoughts on “NASA-Message from Humankind, Your NAME will be written and it travels around Universe… I did.. have you? than what are you waiting for ?

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